Archive for August, 2019

Nomination Time!

Hello everyone guess what time it is?? Its time to nominate your favorites for the 9th Breeders Choice awards!!
I know its so hard to believe Sept 1st is almost here!

This year Amaretto is turning 9 years old!

For our birthday celebration keeping with Amaretto traditions, we will be hosting the biggest Amaretto party on the grid on September 1st!

Amaretto’s 9th Year Festival will start at 11 AM SLT and continue until 4 PM SLT. This will include the Breeders choice awards!

So lets talk about those nominations, please only send in one nc as you can only nominate once, if you are found to be submitting more than 1 notecard of nominees your nomination will not count and you could be banned from voting, so make sure that you know we are watching!

How to nominate someone just, look for this trophy at any Amaretto location!

Create a notecard and copy/paste the categories with your breeder choice for each. When completed, drag the saved notecard from your inventory onto the suggestion box.

Breeders Choice Award Categories

Please submit one name for each category:

Best Auction House:

Best Breedable Market:

Best Auctioneer:

Best Amaretto Collection:

Most Creative Horse Breeder:

Most Creative K-9 Breeder:

Most Creative Bird Breeder:

Most Creative Ponie Breeder:

Most Helpful Breeder:

Most Comedic Breeder:

Sexiest Breeder:

Wiki Wizard:

If there is a category you would like to see and isnt on the list write it in at the bottom of your notecard, as we love great suggestions!

If you have any questions please let me know! Keep your eyes open for more Amaretto’s 9th Year Festival details, Happy nominating everyone! This is Ava over and out!!

Congrats Grads!

Hello there Amaretto! How is everyone today?! Well I am good, I am busy working on the graduation that is taking place tomorrow. There has been a little confusion as to who is graduating and who is not.

Here is a list of all graduates:

Holge rPapp
Kim1 Miami
CandyGurl Bing
Britta Horngold
Alvin Burner
Tudi Teardrop
Chandiny Levee
IceAngel Firecaster
alexi Gartle
Jaserra Resident
Joni Tinkel
Claudieyne Resident

No more graduates will be added to the lsit.

All graduates on the list have been sent there gowns if you have any questions please contact Avalon Crystal.

Hope to see you all there! Happy Breeding everyone!

Amaretto is Buzzzinn……..

Hey everyone its another manic Monday, and I hate to say this but summer is winding down and kids are gearing up to go back to school!

I wanted to show off a little 6.01 newness that I cant believe I didnt shine a light on sooner. The Charmed Bumblebee Shetland!

Take a look at this brand new charmed!

Dont forget the Honey Bee Eye! It does have the ability to pass!

How do you get your hands on this sweet horse?

Charmed Horses are very special horses that can be born at random from ANY horse breeding combination.

Charmed Horses are NOT able to pass their coats. However, you could get extremely lucky and birth another Charmed Horse.

When you breed a Charmed Horse (whether it is with another Charmed Horse or any other horse) you DO have an increased chance at receiving another random Charmed Horse.

The non-Charmed offspring of Charmed Horses do NOT have an increased chance of producing Charmed Horses.

That means EVERYONE has a chance to get one of these! I hope you like the new edition to our already amazing line up of Charmed Horses! This is Ava over and out!

Ponie Pal Ear Traits!

Hey Everyone!

I hope you have all had a great weekend!

I thought it would be awesome to look at the super cute ear traits we have in the Ponie Pals, they are so adorable!

Ear Size:

  • Small
  • Normal
  • Large

There are 3 different ear sizes that your ponie can get!

Ear size Small and Large are an exciting new trait possible that can come from breeding starter Ponies. You can have a chance at one of these exciting ear sizes by breeding any Ponies with a starter Ponies or by breeding together two starter Ponies.

These ears all have the ability to pass on!

  • Normal
  • Lop Right
  • Lop Left
  • Lop

There are 4 different ear types that your ponie can get! Ear size Lop Right, Lop Left and Lop are an exciting new trait possible that can come from breeding starter Ponies. You can have a chance at one of these exciting ear sizes by breeding any Ponies with a starter Ponies or by breeding together two starter Ponies.

These ears all have the ability to pass on!

So get breeding those ear traits!, they are so cute!

That’s all from me today, Hugs Marku <3

20th BunKenNestKet Hunt!!

Hey everyone hope you are having a fun Saturday!!

Are you ready for another AMOC BunKenNestKet Hunt?

Do you like free stuff? Do you like hunts? Then you will need to mark your calendar and join the AMOC group for some hunting fun!!

Beginning at 2 pm slt on Friday, August 23rd and ending at 10 am slt on Sunday, August 25th AMOC will host its 20th BunKenNestKet Hunt.

We currently have only 6 slots left for participating host sims so if you are interested in being a host sim don’t delay register today at

What can you find & how can you participate as a hunter?
Well the hunt includes Bundles (Bun), Kennels (Ken), Nests (Nest) and Baskets (Ket) and if you are lucky you could find a special prize!!

To hunt you simply need to be a group member prior to the hunt start! If you are not an AMOC group member reach out today to an AMOC Officer join us as group joins are by invitation only and you will need to wear your group tag while hunting. Once the hunt starts group joins will no longer be available until it is over.

Donations are an integral part of our hunts and we would like to encourage you to donate any unused Bundles, Kennels, Nests and Baskets. It’s your generosity that makes events like this possible and we couldn’t do it without YOU! You can find AMOC donation boxes at several locations just click the donate button to find out where!

Would you like to know more? Would you like to be more involved?
AMOC has General Meetings every month on the 2nd Friday at 1 pm at the Amaretto University & Events Sim

The next AMOC General Meeting will take place at 1 PM slt on Friday, August 9th and we would love to see you there!!

Until next time this is Snookie hoping your weekend is fantabulous!

Happy Hunting & Happy Breeding!

Whats going on in August!?

Hey everyone we have all made it over the hump and made it to Thursday! I wanted to make sure that all of you guys are on top of all the fun things Amaretto is doing in the month of August!

We have some awesome events this month!
Cards Against Humanity @ 1 PM on 8/2/2019 which is always a lot of laughs.
ARU Graduation @ 5 PM SLT on 8//2019 congrats graduates!
Dance it up at Club Amaretto @ 1 PM SLT 8/15/2019!
FIshing fun @ 1 PM SLT on 8/20/2019
Be heard at the Amaretto Community Meeting! @ 1 PM SLT 8/29/2019

Every month Amaretto always hosts a lot of great events so come out and join us and the breeder community! This is Ava over and out! Happy Breeding!