Today I would like to talk to you all about the registration/login process for the website and ticket system. As you may know both sections on the website have a separate registration / login system. Now I would like to cover both processes for you real quick.
Main website this is for everything but the ticket system.
First point your external browser (a browser other than the built in media browser inside second life) to (you need to use an external browser as the in world browsers do not work all the time)
Now at the top of the page click Sign up and it will take you to the account creation/registration page
Fill in your email address set the password you want twice (do not use the same password as your email or second life account) and in the profile address you have to put an alpha-numeric word in the box. You create this and it has to have at least 1 letter in it but can have letters and numbers, i.e. tmzasz1 this is for the url of your website profile page and it would look like this don’t put the http:// or anything else in just put what you want to be behind the last /.
Next change your time zone and language, complete the recaptcha and then read and agree to the terms of service of the site (which are located here:
Press continue to go to the profile information page
Here you fill in what will appear on your profile page
For first name use your SL first name and for last name use your SL last name or resident if you don’t have one
Everything else on the page is optional and completely up to you if you want to fill it in.
Click save and wait for the confirmation email (should arrive within 5 minutes) and then confirm the registration and login that’s all there is to it 
Now for the ticket system
The reason the website login does not work with the ticket system is because the systems use a separate user/password style and they can’t talk to each other.
Ok to register to the ticket system point your external browser (a browser other than the built in media browser inside second life) to (you need to use an external browser as the in world browsers do not work all the time)
On this page in the center is a register button that looks like a red silhouette with a brown + sign on it click it to start the registration process.
Once you click the register button please fill in the account fields:
Full Name please use your second life name not your RL name
Email please put the email you wish to use to login to the ticket system and put a password (do not use the same password as your email or second life account) and finally fill in the recaptcha and click sign up. Once you do you will be able to login using the login box to the right of the screen about halfway down.
Once you login you can fill in the profile information if you choose to but it is not required.
After logging in at the top where it says > Home > View tickets > Submit a ticket > Knowledgebase > News > Troubleshooter click on home to go to the front page or Submit a Ticket to go straight to the ticket submit ion page.
I hope this helps everyone be able to login easier and clears up any confusion.
P.S. Ava has made 2 awesome videos that show the signup process for each part!
Website Signup –
Ticket System Signup –