Whats going on at Amaretto this week 10/31!!!

Hey guys its Monday again already! Happy Halloween to everyone! Seeing everyone in second life so festive has been awesome! I have seen some awesome Halloween setups for the horses in world as well!
Couple things I wanted to mention to everyone:
1. BCA and LE horses are only available until Nov 3rd at midnight SLT, so if you haven’t gotten yours go get one its for a great cause! IF you have gotten one go get another!! 😛
2. Sadly I haven’t seen you guys sharing your story on the forums on the website, last year there was so many of you guys who had heartfelt stories to share so lets take advantage of this thread and share your cancer stories with the world! We have all been effected by this in one way or another! Link below
3. Boomtown is booming! It’s now open and everyone is invited to come down and hang out talk horses! Amaretto CSR’s will be in world and on hand through out the day so come one down and hang out with Amaretto!
4. Second Life has been a terror lately with all the sim roll backs, and everyone knows sim roll backs cause duplicate horses, so when you file a ticket on a duplicate horse its important to have your transaction history. If your not showing as owner of a horse on our server a CSR can not return the horse to you!
5. ~Amaretto Market Owners Coalition~
We are getting ready for out first meeting so if you aren’t in this group your missing out if you own a market or want to work with other market owners and breeders on things we can do for the market please send Avalon Crystal a note card because this group is invite only!
Well I know thats a lot of info and its been a busy time as we enter the holidays im sure it will only get busier! So happy breeding everyone and Happy Halloween!!