Hey guys its monday!! I bet you didnt see this comming but its time to update those horses!!! I have included a picture of the new food as well!

***IMPORTANT NOTE***After Thursday February 15, 2012 we will NO longer provide support for horses that are NOT v3.2*** So please update your horses!!!!
Update v3.2 Fixes/Changes:
1. Fixed the issue with Fell Pony being deformed.
2. Fixed the issue with riding horses that were age 7.
3. API now includes branding and opal traits.
4. Mule eyes fixed.
1. We have “Put Out to Pasture” (retired) the following Coats:
Arabian- All Colors
Mustang – All Colors
Charmed Pegasus
2. We have “Put Out to Pasture” (retired) the following Albino eyes:
Multi Blue/Pink Hazel
Multi Green/Blue Hazel
Yin Yang
3. We have “Put Out to Pasture” (retired) the following Starter eyes:
Dark Brown
Light Brown
4. We have “Put Out to Pasture” (retired) the following Non-Starter eyes:
Diamond Heartshine
Diamond Starshine
** PLEASE NOTE** “Put Out to Pasture” (retired) means these will no longer be birthed from starter horses, they can ONLY be birthed from existing horses already on the grid that carry these traits.
5. We have added “set home” and “keep home” to G.P.S. (Global Pony Settings) device for the Horses. With these settings you can keep the home position as it is before using the G.P.S. or you can change it to the new position of the horse when G.P.S. is activated.
6. Have added an “enable” and “disable” button to the menu of the salt licks. (disable instead of putting it into inventory when not in use).
7. The breedable and pet food is now one prim. (the old 2 prim food will still work as well)
8. Added Last Bred button to the horse menu (button in the menu when clicked will show last horse it mated with, name and uuid).
9. Last Bundle button (button in the menu when clicked will show last bundle uuid birthed by this horse).
10. Added pregnancy booster 5%.(under consumables button in the menu)
11. Changed Hunger and Thirst to Nourishment in the hover text.
12. Added option for horse to go to home position when sleep animation is active. (this will happen only if animations and movement are on)
13. Added a Custom Name Field to the hover text. (can add and clear this field by using the menu-settings-name buttons in the menu)
14. Added owners name to the hover text.
Somethings you need to know about the updater:
1. It will not work if there is more than one updater out. It gives you a message that there are 2 updaters out please remove one. If you continue to try and update your horse It will give you another error message and have you pick one updater up and reset the other. (touch and wait 5 seconds to reset)
2. It will not update pregnant horses. The reason being the updater can potentially abort the pregnancy. Waiting to update your pregnant horses will not effect the horses functions, they will continue to eat, move, animate etc. When they give birth to the bundle, then you can update them. The bundle will be the old version and need to be updated when birthed.
3. The updater will not work on sims with a high load. Dilation needs to be above .65 and region fps must be above 25 for the updater to work. You will get an error message that says the sim dilation is too low, we have enclosed a sim monitor that will display these values for you. Just rez on your sim next to the updater.
Update Instructions:
Single Updater: Place the updater near the horse that isn’t updated and click the horse and click the update button. The horse will be updated and the settings will be the same as before the update process. ***DO NOT PICK UP HORSES OR THE UPDATER UNTIL IT HAS COMPLETED THE UPDATE PROCESS***
Bulk Updater: Place the bulk updater in the middle of your horse breeding area, click the updater and adjust the settings you want your horses to be set to after the update process, then click the update horses button on the updater menu. This updater has the ability to update all horses that are not v3.2 in an entire region. However, depending on sim performance it may only do the horses in a 96 meter radius. Do not remove the updater until it has completed updating all horses and the hover text above the updater reads FINISHED. ***DO NOT PICK UP HORSES OR THE UPDATER UNTIL IT HAS COMPLETED THE UPDATE PROCESS***
Happy updating everyone as always if you have a problem please file a ticket @ http://support.amarettobreedables.com