Hello everyone its another Terrific Tuesday here at Amaretto, I wanted to adress a few things that I have been hearing lately.
The first thing I want to talk about is
Wing Style: Pegasus
Wing Color: Blizzard
Horn Style: Unicorn
Horn Color: Shadow
Saddle Style: Racing
Saddle Color: White
With the 6.01 the way traits were listed on horses and bundles were changed a little.
When we flipped the switch on 6.01 everyones bundles text appeared differently, that does not mean that your bundle became more traits.
So the low down on this is wing, horn, or saddle is still only 1 trait, we have separated the style and color so that we have the ability to add different styles that opens the possibility for all kinds of wings, horns, and saddles!
Now lets talk about the new headpiece trait! If you got and breed some of the Mothers Day Edition horses then you had a chance of getting a brand new trait Head Piece: Bow Fuchsia! How exciting its now the 26th trait! That means that you can have a Head Piece and horn!
So here is the maximum traits for a horse:
1 Coat (Non-Starter)
2 Eye (Non-Starter)
3 Mane (Non-Starter)
4 Tail (Non-Starter)
5 Coat Gleam
6 Coat Luster
7 Coat Gloom/Chill/Warmth/Blush/Haze/Hue
8 Coat Opal
9 Hair Gleam
10 Hair Luster
11 Hair Gloom/Chill/Warmth/Blush/Haze/Hue
12 Hair Opal
13 Branding
14 Hoof Paint/socks/leg null
15 Ear Size (scanty,lanky)
16 Ear Style (droop,droop left,droop right)
17 Class Stamina
18 Class Speed
19 Wild Hair
20 Wings/wing null
21 Bridle
22 Wing Opal
23 Horn
24 Saddle
25 Ear Tips
26 Head Piece
How many awesome combos and different looks you can put on any horse!
The other thing I want to mention is Starter DOS bundles!
Here is what it says on the wiki:
When breeding new starters together, it is important to remember that the hidden coats/traits may or may not drop in the first bundle or even the last bundle. You just never know!
Also starter can pass new traits as a hidden so the starter DOS can have the new awesome traits that became available in 6.01, so starters dont have to show it to throw it which is different than LEs.
Well I hope this has helped clear some things for everyone! I hope you all have a great day and happy breeding everyone! This is Ava over and out!