Happy Sunday everyone!! A lot can happen in Second Life that we have no control over… from duplicates, to missing animals, to missing food or consumables. We at Amaretto do our best to address these issues and help resolve the issues for you so you can get back to breeding as soon as possible. There are times however, where the issues is out of Amaretto’d hands and we will have to refer you to Linden Labs. So for my Customer Connection today I wanted to give an in depth look into the Support System and filing a support ticket. Below I will tell you step by step how to register for the support system and file a support ticket…
You need to visit the Amaretto Support desk at: http://support.amarettobreedables.com
Once you get there, have a look at the ticket guidelines. These guidelines can answer many of your questions regarding tickets and will help ensure the ticket process goes smoothly.

Next, If you are not yet registered for the support system, you will need to do so. It is really a fairly simple process. You will want to click on the register button located on the left hand side.
*The Social Network and the Support System have separate log in areas! You must register separately at each website to use them both*

Once you get to the registration page you will need to provide the required information
Your Full Name (It is best if you use your FULL Second Life name)
Your Email
Create a New Password
Confirm Your New Password
You will also need to verify your registration by entering a Captcha
Then click SIGN UP to complete your registration!

Once registered and signed in you will next click on the SUBMIT A TICKET BUTTON

Next you will choose the department that best suits your issue or problem and hit the next button

After you select the appropriate department hit the next button you will now be on the page where you will put in the information about your issue.
You can leave the priority level at normal
Put in your FULL SecondLife name not your display name
Put the subject of your ticket such as “missing Horse” Or “did not get horse food”
In the large box you will give all the detailed information about your issue or problem. The more specific you are and the more information you provide, the better.
Once you have finished putting all the information, click the SUBMIT button.

Emails are usually sent when a response is posted in your support ticket.

You can also check the status of your ticket by logging in to the support system and viewing your ticket.

That’s it!! You did it! You just filed a support ticket for your issue!! An Amaretto Customer Service Representative (CSR) will be responding in your ticket with further information or instructions about completing your support ticket. Please note, our CSRs will not contact you in world. All communication must be done through the ticket system. If information is requested, please provide it in the ticket itself. Please do not message or send a notecard to the CSR. The CSRs are very busy and may miss or overlook the message or notecard and this could delay the completion of your support ticket. Tickets can take 48-72 hours to get a response from a CSR. Please be patient with us, especially at peak times such as updates or when new Amaretto products are released!
Here are a few tips and tricks that can help out when filing a supoort ticket with Amaretto…
~ If the CSR ask you for a slurl, make sure they are on your allowed list and paste the slurl to the breedable your having a issue.
You can get a slurl by going there in world and opening the map and choosing the copy slurl option. This copies your ordinates in world and now you will be able to post them. A slurl will look like this:
~ If the CSR asks you to please send your breedable in world with your full SL name and Amaretto Ticket number. Thank you.
This means you make a folder in your inventory name your folder just as the CSR asked you.
Example: Jaymee Caproni JPM-222-22395
This ensures that your breedable will not get lost in a inventory and will be easily matched with your ticket. If you do not do this our CSRS can not be responsible for random objects being sent to them. If your breedable is not in a folder it will be sent back to you!!!! (if we can find out who it belongs too)
~Make sure that you are sending the breedable to the correct CSR. Don’t assume it will be the same one who did your last ticket. Read your responses carefully and send to the proper CSR.
~ Always include your full SL name!
~ Include any transaction in reference to not delivered items or even duplicated breedables that you recently purchased!
~ Always be respectful to the Amaretto Staff they will help you in any way they can.
~ Be sure to include enough information such as UUID’s, Parents information if having a bundle issue, or names of a missing horse.
~ YOU MUST CHECK YOUR TICKET FOR A RESPONSE!! (if you do not respond in 3 days we will close your ticket)
~ Please understand if you are not showing as owner of a breedable on our servers we can not return it to you. (That means no tickets for friends, family, or partners) You wouldn’t want us to send your horse to someone else!
I hope this has helped clear up any questions or concerns about filing a support ticket with Amaretto!!
Happy breeding! Until next time…