Hey everyone guess what its a Terrific Tuesday and we are up to our necks in ponies!
I know a lot of you have been asking about how to get into the Ponie Beta Tester group. Well beta has been closed for over a month, however due to a few people leaving the group we are going accept 10 more Ponie Beta testers!!!
This is your LAST chance to get into Ponie Pal Beta! So how will we pick these 10 new beta testers?? Well in true Amaretto fashion we are going to make it random!!!
So here it how you enter:
Go to the main Ponie Pal sim located here:
Click the group joiner board and join the ~Amaretto Ponie Pals~ group and activate your tag!
Then click on the Ava’s Name Drawer! It will confirm in local chat like this:
[10:25] Ava’s Name Drawer: Your name has been successfully entered into the drawing!
If it says this: [10:25] Ava’s Name Drawer: Please activate the proper group to enter the drawing!
You must activate the ~Amaretto Ponie Pals~ group!!!
PLEASE DO NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE IN THE ~Amaretto Ranch~ Beta Testers GROUP!!!!
On May 31st at the end of the Ponie Pal Q & A we will chose the lucky 10 new beta testers! You do not have to be present to be chosen. If you have any questions please message Avalon Crystal! Happy Breeding everyone!
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