Trait Talk

Hello Horse Lovers!
Today I am going to take a moment to talk about traits and try to clear up some of the confusion about them.  I am going to cover each aspect of the horse to cover each trait.

Any coat that is not a starter coat is considered a trait. All non starter coats are considered ONE trait. The following coats are starter coats so anything other than these are 1 trait….
Appaloosa Black
Appaloosa Brown
Appalossa Tan
Appaloosa Grey
Brown Bay
Copper Bay
Golden Bay
Red Bay
Black Painted
Brown Painted
Red Painted
Silver Painted
Creme Palomino
Golden Palomino
Silver Palomino
Tan Palomino
Black Buckskin
Brown Buckskin
Creme Buckskin
Red Buckskin

Any eye that is not a starter eye is considered a trait.  All non starter eyes are considered ONE trait. The heartshine and starshine eyes are NOT considered 2 traits. The following eyes are starter eyes so anything other than these are 1 trait…
Baby blue
Dark brown
Light brown
Light green
Midnight blue

Any tail other than a normal tail is considered ONE trait.

Any mane other than a normal mane is considered ONE trait.

Luster is ONE trait for each part of the horse is affects. Luster can be on the coat and hair (mane and tail). So a total possible two traits can be reached with luster if it is on both coat and hair.

Gleam is ONE trait for each part of the horse is affects. Gleam can be on the coat and hair (mane and tail). So a total possible two traits can be reached with gleam if it is on both coat and hair.

Gloom is ONE trait for each part of the horse is affects. Gloom can be on the coat and hair (mane and tail). So a total possible two traits can be reached with gloom if it is on both coat and hair.

So in total a horse can have 10 traits.
Non starter coat= 1 trait possible
Non starter eye= 1 trait possible
Non starter tail= 1 traits possible
Non starter mane= 1 trait possible
Luster= 2 traits possible
Gleam= 2 traits possible
Gloom= 2 traits possible

Let’s use this following horse for example. This Horse is a 7 trait horse.

Coat: Black/White Mustang   <~~ 1 trait
Eye: Sapphire StarShine    <~~ 1 trait
Mane: Long    <~~ 1 trait
Tail: Normal
Coat Gleam Low    <~~ 1 trait
Coat Luster Low    <~~ 1 trait
Hair Gleam Low    <~~ 1 trait
Hair Luster Low    <~~ 1 trait

I hope this post helps everyone better understand the traits a can horse have. Good luck and happy high trait breeding to all!
Until my next post……


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