Missing Your Horse or K-9? Dont Worry!!

What happens when your Horse or K-9 disappears? You have to file a ticket. If you don’t have the UUID number, and you have named your horse or bundle, we can usually locate it in our database. Our data base contains UUID, descriptions and even what you name your Horse or K-9


If you leave the horse or K-9 named Amaretto Breedable Horse, or Amaretto Breedable K-9, then we have no way of knowing which horse or K-9 that you have missing.


Please don’t name them all the same. If you use a name twice, give one of them a number also, or a sir name, Sr., Jr., III, etc.


Also your transaction history, when you purchased an item can also be a valuable help when you have tickets on items that did not come into your inventory when you purchased from others, or at auctions.


This also applies to Bundles and Kennels. If you don’t plan on birthing them right away, Name Them.


When filing a ticket please include all the helpful information that you can.


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