Are you using your k9 hud?

Are you using your K-9 hud?

Hey everyone its Monday and we all know what that means its Ava’s connection day!
I wanted to take a few moments to talk to everyone, about the K-9 hud and make sure that all the new K-9 breeders know about all the cool things you can do!

When you use the hud you can command your K-9 to do the following:





Playing with your K-9 and the hud will make your K-9’s happiness increase over a length of time!
So if you have a K-9 that is feeling a little blue you can use the hud to bring up their happiness so they will be ready to breed.

If you do not have a Amaretto K-9 hud you can get one by clicking on your K-9, then help, and get hud 🙂

I have also uploaded a K-9 hud video for a visual explanation on how easy it is to use!

Now i hope you will all dust off those K-9 huds and take yours for a walk! Happy breeding everyone until next time!


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