Under the K9 menu you will find some new things and gonna just take a few minutes to talk to everyone about this…


You will find there are two new buttons added

Preg. 1% Booster & Preg. 5% Booster

Thats right you can now boost the pregnancy once per pregnancy either by 1% or 5% … WOOT WOOT

1% pregnancy booster costs 500L

5% pregnancy booster costs 725L

You can buy these both in either a single pack or five pack


You are now able to name your K9s up to 30 characters. WOOT WOOT!

Breeding>Last bred to

This will give you the details of the last K9 to mate with that K9 and will look something like this

Lello: The latest K9 partner was Amaretto Breedable K9 with the ID of K00000000000-ad5a-429e-e758fa008729

Breeding>Last Kennel

This will give you the details of the last kennel that your K9 had and will look something like this

Lello: The last kennel dropped by this K9 was Amaretto Breedable K9 Kennel with the ID of K0000000-0475-cdfc-5348-546b3acdc072

If you did not own the K9 for its last bundle it will look like this for privacy reasons

Lello: You did not own this K9 when it’s last kennel was bore

One more thing before I go… I would like to add that when you update these K9s from here out in local chat just before it updates it will tell you the K9s name and UUID that it is updating. This is very handy as it will give you all the information you need should something go wrong during the update and it will look something like this

Amaretto Update KennelSINGLE: Attempting to update the K9 with the API of… K130a716-b8e4-d373-db3b-5173308ba479:O011125:8:1:1:76:83:87:2:0:0:1322053879:216.57.22:45:1:1:8:V1.0:0:0|5|1|O|1|1|0

Please wait…

Thats it for me today everyone. I hope this helps and will see you all again next Friday 🙂

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