Copybot, Stolen Textures, and Amaretto Content!

Hey guys! Its a lovely Thursday here at the ranch and i gotta tell you we have been super busy! I wanted to take some time out and talk about something very important and even very personal to me.

If you have ever created anything in SL you probably know its not any fun when someone takes your hard work and copybots, steals, or rips your personal work. This is no different for Amaretto!

CopyBot is a debugging tool used to access the virtual world Second Life. It is able to, among other things, export objects within Second Life to an XML file, which can then later be imported for use in the game. LSL scripts cannot be copied at this time

To read more about copybotting please read here:

What does Amaretto do is they find a copybotted item?
Well we have to file a DMCA with Linden Labs and you can read all about that here:

But their is a gray area, like there is in most of our RL right?
Ever used a Amaretto logo at your sim or rental? What about a picture off the wiki? Is that stolen art? Well technically yes! However we allow our community members to use our wiki pictures as long as they are not selling them or putting them on something they are selling. Ya know like a sign, or to represent their breedable at an auction.

But whats not ok is to take any Amaretto art work and use it on something that you sell. This includes wiki pics, pics of eyes, pictures taken off our website.

When should you report someone? Well anytime you see a copy of an Amaretto product with the wrong creator listed! Or when someone is selling or using Amarettos Art for their own financial gain. I know most of you guys just upload a wiki pic and use it at your sales area and we are ok with that its when you upload 40 wiki pics and throw them in a box and sell them to other breeders that there is a problem.

It really sucks for someone to steal someone else’s hard work that goes for any platform! So please think twice about what you are doing! If there is ever something suspicious please contact a member of Amaretto Staff and let them know immediately! If you are still in the dark about who is Amaretto Staff please read here:

Also remember Amaretto’s TOS, you can read all about it here:

I know this is not an issue that most of you will never experience, but its good to be educated! Well happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out!


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