It’s Time For Amaretto Ranch University!

Happy Friday Amaretto Community! Today I would like to talk to you about the Amaretto Ranch University. We at Amaretto would love to see more of you attend the classes each week.  We have classes at ARU on Monday, Wednesday,Friday and Saturday! On Mon,Wed, And Fri the classes are given twice a day and once on Saturday to give you more of a chance to fit them into your schedule.  Each class will only take about 10-15 minutes and if you complete all the classes we offer you will be eligible to graduate in the next graduation ceremony.

Classes are very informative and can even be lots of fun!  We also offer time at the end of each class for you to ask any questions you might have about whatever we cover in class that day! It’s a great way to get the answers to some of those burning questions you might have.

Every month we post the calendar of classes on the website so you can see which classes are coming up and plan accordingly.
You can find that calendar at this link:

Once you start attending classes you will want to be able to keep up with which ones you’ve attended and which ones you still need. That means you will want to register on the ARU website so you can do that. While at the University there are kiosk’s in the back of the classroom that you touch and they give you a username and password in local chat.

Once you have that you can go to the Amaretto Ranch University website and log in!


When you get to the website click on Course Progression and you will be able to enter your user name and password. From here you will be able to see what classes you have completed and which ones you still need to attend. I always tell people to give it at least a week to show up on the website as the University Chick is a busy girl!

Be sure to watch the Amaretto University Calendar for class schedules and we look forward to seeing you in class soon!

Happy Class Attending and Breeding!

Until next time!


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