August Craved Makers!

Hey everyone! Hope that your having a great Thursday! We got so much going on for Amaretto its been hard to keep tack! Well we aren’t close to slowing down yet! I know what you guys really want to know and its what should we breed for the month of August?!

Well here goes! For the month of August you will need 2 of the following:
White Walker
White Arabian
White Andalusian
White Icelandic
White Piebald
Ivory Dun

Any breeding combinations of the above horses will give you a chance at a get a Craved Speckled Horse!

Yorkie Standard Blue and White
White Snow Wolf
Silver and White Miniature Schnauzer
Pug Solid White
Pug Morrison White

Any breeding combinations of the above K-9s will give you a chance at a get a Craved Speckled K-9!

Rhode Island White
White Campine
Black Tailed White Japanese Bantam
Ivory Faverolles

Any breeding combinations of the above Birds will give you a chance at a get a Craved Speckled Barnyard Bird!

Painted Ivory
Whitie Fabulous

Any breeding combinations of the above Ponies will give you a chance at a get a Craved Speckled Ponie!

You guys have the entire month of August to try your hand at getting a craved so good luck! This is Ava over and out!


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