Let’s Get Happy

I’m sure everyone knows that horses/K-9′s fervor will only rise if your horse/k-9 is awake and above 75% happiness. Now there are many ways to increase the happiness of your breedable.


Let’s start with Horses:


1. Riding a horse over age 7 can help increase its happiness


2. Use salt licks, rezzing out a salt lick with your food will make your horses happier. This stat booster gives a 1% increase in happiness over time. One Salt Lick last 2 horses 2 weeks.


3. Sugar cubes, when used give your horse a 15% increase to the happiness though you can only give this consumable to them once in a 24 hour period.


4. Amaretto Cocktail- This wonderful little concoction is just what your horse wants to feel happy and ready to start producing bundles by raising energy, happiness, and fervor by 5% and decreasing hunger and thirst by 5% ensuring that your horse can stay up late with his favorite mare! Note that again this consumable can only be given once every 24 hours.


Now K-9’s:


1. You can increase the happiness of you K-9 by using your HUD and playing with your K-9. Always remember that your K-9 will not start to gain fervor until they are 7.


2. Use a Chew Toy, rezzing out a chew toy with your food will make your K-9′s happier. This stat booster gives a 1% increase in happiness over time. One Amaretto Brand Chew Toy last 2 K-9’s 2 weeks.


3. Rawhide Lollipop, when used gives your K-9 a 15% increase to the happiness though you can only give this consumable to them once in a 24 hour period.


4. Mega Woof Vitamins This wonderful little concoction is just what your K-9 wants to feel happy and ready to start producing kennels by raising energy, happiness, and fervor by 5% and decreasing hunger and thirst by 5% ensuring that your K-9 can stay up late with his favorite gal! Note that again this consumable can only be given once every 24 hours.


Happiness does naturally go down while the horse/K-9 is sleeping but will come back up while it’s awake. Sometimes for whatever reason you may have a stubborn horse/K-9 that doesn’t want to get happy or its fervor go up once its happy ( fervor can only rise once its age 7 ) if this happens just submit a ticket and send that horse/K-9 on in so we can give it a checkup ( re-rezzing sometimes also fixes this ).


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