Super or Jumbo?

Hey everyone its a Terrific Tuesday, I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about something Super! I have noticed that there have been a few tickets recently about confusion between a Super Mix Pack and a Jumbo Mix Pack. Let me take a moment to explain the difference between the two.

A Super Mix Pack is 5 Breedable Food & 5 Salt Licks with 5x the servings as a regular Breedable Food & Salt. The cost of a Super Mix Pack is 5,850 LS.


Do not confuse a Super Mix Pack with the Jumbo Mix pack which is the same price but has 25 Breedable Food & 25 Salt Licks.


What is the advantage of a Super Mix Pack vs a Jumbo Mix pack?
Well its the same amount of food just in less prims. Remember one food out of the Super Mix pack will last 5 xs longer than a food from a Jumbo Mix Pack.

We have clearly marked the Super Mix Pack food to look different than any other food it has a 5xs stamp on the food as well as the salt.


If you have questions about any of the Amaretto Horse products you can check out the Product Price List:

So when you are buying mix packs please be sure you buy the one you want because there are no refunds or exchanges on no transfer items!!!

So be sure to confirm you are buying the correct pack! Happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out!


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