Calling all Sagittarius!

Hello everyone its another manic Monday here at Amaretto! I wanted to take a few moments to show off some new things that have happened this month!

The first one is the constellation eye for the month of December!
Say hello to the new Sagittarius eye! This eye has only been available since the 1st of December have you seen any around?

Remember this eye does have the ability to pass!

Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius and spans 240–270th degrees of the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between approximately November 23 and December 21. Greek mythology associates Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, who mentored Achilles, a Greek hero of the Trojan War, in archery.

Keep your eyes out for this one! Happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out!


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