Merry Christmas from Amaretto!

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope that everyone is having a terrific Tuesday! Its that time of year again and Amaretto is in a giving mood, A lot of you have been asking about an Amaretto Christmas Gift! Well Santa Josie was spotted earlier today and i am here to give you the secret location of the gifts.

There is a catch! Have you been naughty or nice? These gifts are for our ACTIVE breeders ONLY! Its our way to show our support for our customers!

How do you get your gifts? Well visit the gift location and click the gift! You dont even have to change your tag! Each gift is for one specific animal soooo please only try the gifts of the animals you currently breed. These gifts will be out until January 1st, 2021!

Here are the current locations:

Among our Christmas gifts
Is something we hold dear.
We’re thankful for this pleasure
Each and every year.

It’s a gift in every day,
All the long year through.
It’s your special, treasured friendship;
Our cherished gift is you!

Amaretto Appreciates all of our current customers and want to say Happy Holidays to you! Enjoy these gifts from us to you! Happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out!


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