April Qualifiers!

Hello Amarettooooooooooooooooooo! Hows everyone? I hope everyone is safe and healthy! Some of you guys have been asking so I thought I would go ahead and spill the beans!

What beans? The Qualifier ones!

Starting April 1, 2021 at 12:01 AM until April 30, 2021 11:59 PM any time you breed the following qualifiers together you have the opportunity to get a awesome surprise!

The qualifiers are one parent must have a Gold Reins and the other must be one of the following coats:

Bionic Golden Walker
Bronze Marwari
Perlino Silver
Mercury Pottok Pony

Qualifiers are one parent must have a Dipped Ear Gold and the other must be one of the following:

Black English Mastiff
Black and Rust Rottweiler
Silver and Black German Shepherd

Barnyard Birds:
Qualifiers for the birds one parent must have a Wing Gold and the other must be one of the following:

Sussex Bantam

Lets not forget these little guys the Ponie qualifiers for April are one parent must have Golden Wings and the other must be one of the following:

Silver Solid
Gold Bandit
Masquerade in Rust

Well happy breeding everyone this is Ava over and out!


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