Do All Horses Go To Haven?

What happens to horses that are no longer breedable age, or that we no longer need and don’t want to sell or save for posterity or future use? Well they can go to Horse Haven and earn you points towards Amaretto products. By using the horse menu you can send your horse or even a bundle to the Haven, receive points for it, and use those points to get products off the haven board at the Amaretto food stores. Simply click your horse, click settings, click Horse Haven, then you will see a drop box asking if you’re SURE you want to send this horse to horse haven for a certain amount of points. It asks twice if you are sure, and if you are, click yes. The number of Horse Cents you received from the horse are also posted in local chat. Remember, once a horse is sent to horse haven, it is forever, so be careful when using the menu.

Now, what points can you get for your horses by using this function? The Horse Haven Horse Cents Reward system will Reward you for your horses in the following way:

Once they reach 120 days old, no further points will be added to the value.

In addition to the above Horse Cents you will also be rewarded the following for the traits on each Horse sent to Horse Haven :

Remember, all items are no transfer. To redeem your horse cents for products, simply go to any of our store locations and find the Horse Haven Vendor, click the start button on the bottom right of the vendor. Your current amount of Horse Cents will be displayed in local chat. After clicking the Start button and reviewing your Horse Cents balance you have 60 seconds of reserved time to make a selection from the vendor. Once you have made your selection you will need to agree to spending that many points on that item. If you agree you will then receive your item from the vendor and the Horse Cents will be deducted from your Horse Haven account. To make another purchase simply do it again. Please don’t leave the location til the item shows in your inventory.

Now, what can you get with your Horse Cents? Here is a list of the items available. Please remember you cannot get Breedable Food from the Haven Board.

Time to put those unwanted horses and bundles to good use. Happy Breeding!


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