Breeding Terms………..

Hey guys have you ever heard two breeders talking and have no idea what they just said about DOS or Cycles? Well Im here to break it down for you! Never Fear Ava is here!

DOS- DIrect Off Spring – this means that mom or dad had the trait desired but the animal itself does not! (DOS animals can pass the desired trait even if not showing if mom or dad had the trait)

OSOS- Off Spring of Off Spring- this means mom and dad did not have desired traits but grandma or grandfather did. (OSOS animals can pass the desired trait even if not showing if grandma or grandfather had the trait)

Recovery – Waiting period between pregnancies
Descendants – A breeding cycle
Vintage – When a ponie has used all of its descendants
Pairing – Having two specific horses or K-9s breed with each other only
Companion – Having two specific Birds breed with each other only
Cycles – Each bird starts with 12 cycles which means that they can drop 12 nests.
Nesting – Waiting period between nests

Now lets talk about DOS and OS of LE, SE, CE, or DEs.
A DOS of any of the following LE, SE, CE, or DEs must be showing their hidden surprise to pass it into the DOS and OSOS.

Example: I breed 2 DE Sharks together I CAN NOT get the Great White eye from a DOS of the DE unless it is SHOWING the Great White Eye.

This isnt a new concept to Amaretto all LE, SE, CE, and DEs have always worked this way.

Its always a good idea to educate yourself on the truth and learn the ins and outs of Amaretto that is why we have a whole school dedicated to just that! So go check out the ARU if you can! This is Ava over and out! Happy breeding everyone!


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