Is It a Dog or Candy?

A lot of Mexican candy seems to be red white and green in color. Why is that? Answer? The Mexican flag! What better way to honor your country’s flag than a sweet treat everyone likes that shares the colors.

When Amaretto celebrated Cinco De Mayo in May 2017, they released the Cinco De Mayo – El SegundoCaballero. In the K-9s, it came in the form of a natty little chihuahua sporting a flashy sombrero and jacket. You could get the 2017 Cinco De Mayo – El Segundo Caballero from May 1st to May 15th 2017.

As usual this adorable K-9 Special Edition was hiding something even more adorable, the Fiesta Chihuahua!

When I saw the red white and green coat, it reminded me of a candy I used to eat a lot of, the nougat gum drop candy. I think it is just about my favorite Amaretto Chihuahua coat. Looks good enough to eat! What’s your favorite Amaretto K-9?

Darnit, now I’m hungry LOL


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