Shady Chickens!?!

Hope everyone is having a great week-end so far and getting some great babies from your breedables. Today we will look at shades for your Barnyard Birds, specifically for your chickens. These shades can entirely change your project and turn it into something new and brilliant. 🙂

These great traits first appeared on October 28th, 2013  when the 2013 Halloween Collector’s editions were released, giving the first three shades:

Then on December 13, 2013, the 2013 Holiday Barnyard Birds gave the next two shades:

Then after a while, two new shades were released with the Valentines Day Collectors Edition Barnyard Birds, which gave us Love and Sunshine. 🙂

So why not add some color to your breeding today and see what these shades can add to your projects.

Happy breeding!!



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