Hey! Where is my bundle?

Hey everyone! Happy Monday here we are starting off another week!

So I wanted to talk to you guys about something that I seem to be seeing a few tickets about. What am I talking about ? Well missing bundles!

I am specifically talking about a horse that is in recovery and has no bundle good or bad, just no bundle at all,

Now some people will have no idea what im talking about because this has never happened to them but others have experienced this issue.

Whats the difference in both breeders horses? Nothing! Its the land settings!

There are many different options that can be set on your land, and I wish i could explain them all in detail to you but im no expert. However I do know of one option that can ensure you dont get any bundles that your horse drops!

If you click on the about land, then options you will see which options are set on the land you are on like this:

If you are breeding on a land that does not allow object entry to everyone or has it set to group only, if your horses are not set to land group this setting means your horses will not be able to rez the bundle it drops.

So there are 2 options to resolve this issue, I am using firestorm so if you are using a different viewer your settings may look different.

Option one is to enable object entry to everyone, if you are not comfortable with this there is another option, Under firestorm prefrences there is a little check box that says:

Always rez objects under the land group if possible

When you check this despite the tag you may be wearing this will set the horse when you rez it out to the land group if possible.

If you have had this happen to you the only thing you can do is file a ticket. I hope that this helps some of you that may experience this issue!

This is Ava over and out! Happy breeding!


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