Albino Horses

Today we are going to talk about the coat that took me six years to get, but after I showed Grey everything I know about Amaretto she got one out of a set I let her grab from my inventory which I found to be very humorous.

The Albinos come randomly from full siblings. Full siblings are siblings that come from the exact same mother and father. Siblings do not have to have the same traits they only need to be full sibling. Albinos come with very special Albino Eyes that can be passed on to their offspring.

Now we will take a look at the different kinds of Albino Horses, first, we have the Albino which can come from any coats.

However, Albino Clydesdale, Albino Fell Pony, Albino Shetland, Albino Mystique, Albino Exmoor Pony, Albino Percheron, and Albino Miniature must have a sibling that is that kind of coat.

The eyes that can come with Albinos are all listed here.


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