Ponies feeling a Little Down?

Sometimes Ponies are not as healthy as they should be. Although we can prevent this as well. So let’s start there.

Ponies need to have Grub available to them at all times after they are birthed or they will become sick. So always check to make sure you have Grub out and that your grub and your Ponie are both under the same owners name or same group. (If it’s the same group you will have to update the Grub to show Group Only instead of Owner Only).

If you start to see your Ponies Grub going up, time to jump in there and make sure they do have Grub within their range set to their group. If they do, pick them up and re-rez them, sometimes this helps. If this still doesn’t work, send in a ticket to get more help.

Sadly if they do get sick, they cannot eat their way out of sickness like other breedables. Instead you will need to get them some Ponie Noodle Soup. This will heal them instantly.


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