Amaretto Grulla Horses

Grilla…grullah….how do you say that again? The word “grullo” originates from the Spanish word for a gray horse and the word “grulla” in Spanish means crane. Because of the origin of the name, some people will refer to a mare as a grulla and a stallion or gelding as a grullo, pronounced GREW-yə and GREW-yoh.
Okay, what IS a Grulla horse? Basically, it’s a dun horse. A grulla has a dark stripe down it’s spine, shoulder stripes and leg barring. A grulla horse is fairly rare, as these things go, and is often the result of mating a black stallion with a red or dun mare.

In these pictures you can see the back striping and a hint of the leg stripes that some have.The colors of these two coats kind of look like the models for Amaretto’s Chrome and Tan Grulla coats.

When the version 5.5 Horse update came out on October 7, 2016 these exciting new coats were hidden in new starters. The Grulla horse is one set of many exciting possible Non-Starter coats that can come from breeding “Starter Horses”.

You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter Grulla by breeding any horse with a starter horse or by breeding together two starter horses. The Grulla coat CAN be passed on


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