Puppy Paradise

Puppy Paradise Quick instructions on how to gain Kennel Cash and how to use Puppy Paradise.

How to Gain Points By Sending Your K-9 to Puppy Paradise: Simply click your K-9, click settings, click Puppy Paradise, then click yes. The number of Kennel Cash you received from the K-9 is posted in local chat. Kennels may be sent to Puppy Paradise without birthing.


How to Use your Kennel Cash: Simply go to the any of our store locations and find the Puppy Paradise Vendor, Click the start button on the bottom right of the vendor. Your current amount of Kennel Cash will be displayed in local chat. After clicking the Start button and reviewing your Kennel Cash balance you have 60 seconds of reserved time to make a selection from the vendor. Once you have made your selection you will need to agree to spending that many points on that item. If you agree you will then receive your item from the vendor and the Kennel Cash will be deducted from your Puppy Paradise account. To make another purchase simply do it again. The Puppy Paradise Kennel Cash Reward system will Reward you for your K-9s in the following way:

Age Kennel Cash
0-10 100
11-20 200
21-30 300
31-40 400
41-50 500
51-60 600
61-70 700
71-80 800
81-90 900
91-100 1,000
101-110 1,100
111-119 1,200
120-125 1,300
126 and older(Retired K-9s) 1,400

In addition to the above Kennel Cash you will also be rewarded the following for the traits on each K-9 sent to Puppy Paradise :
Traits Kennel Cash
non-starter coats 100
non-starter eyes 100
Sheen (high or low) 100
Sheen Null 100
Radiance (high or low) 100
Radiance Null 100
non-starter ear 100
non-starter size 100
non-starter collar 100
Tint (Sunrise or Sunset) 100
Sunrise Null or Sunset Null 100
non-starter tail 100
non-starter nose 100
Gloom 100
Paw Polish 100


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