Busting Some Myths

Alright, as most of us know there can be some wild myths out there, which end up becoming urban legends after time and we have all fallen for one or two of them. One of the most fun classes that are taught at A.R.U. is the Myth Busters class. So let’s take a look at some myths and see if we can tear them apart.

Charmed Horses

One of the biggest myth does involve Charmed Horses (same would apply for Posh Ponies, Enchanted K-9s, or Exotic Birds) and their offspring.

First thing we should know about Charmed Horses is that they are completely random from any horse breeding regardless of how many generations they have been being breed, if they have Charmed parents, siblings or are offspring of Charmeds. Even starter horses and LE’s have a chance of giving you a Charmed as it truly is random and comes from any breeding.

You do have a slightly increased chance of getting a Charmed by actually breeding the Charmed horse itself but the offspring of either of these do not give you any better chance.


First let’s look at what the definition of “pure” is:

  • not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
  • without any extraneous and unnecessary elements.

What would a pure coat on a horse be? Well it would mean that both the showing and hidden coat on every horse in the line was exactly the same. Since we have no way of knowing that we cannot in all honesty call any horse coat “pure”. So even that 353rd generation white walker, might not be “pure” although you have a high probability of getting a white walker from it.

So can a horse coat be pure? That is the real question here. Yes, it can be “pure” but we would never know that, so we cannot truthfully call any horse coat “pure” as it would all be speculation and in effect tricking someone into thinking there is no change that any other coat will come out of that horse when in reality, there is always a chance of there being a hidden coat. So that 353rd generation white walker could end up giving you a Brown Pinto. Imagine your shock at that one!

Therefore, in our reality, there is no such thing as a “pure” horse.


Now there are some strange rumors out there about how to get better coats/traits on your breedables. We’ll start by saying none of these work but here are some myths out there.

  • Time of day/day of the week – it doesn’t matter what time of day or what day of the week it is, when the offspring is dropped.
  • Breedable happiness level – yes the happiness of your breedable matters to bring up you stat which allows breeding to happen but happiness level when the offspring drops doesn’t affect the stats
  • Position of breedable – some rumors out there say having your breedable upside down will give you better offspring or facing north, but none of that works.
  • Large breeding/small breeding – it doesn’t matter how many breedables you have, every drop has the same chance as every other drop at special traits so it doesn’t matter if you are a large breeder or a small breeder.

Now there is a reason why none of this works, because all stats are randomly computer generated at the time the offspring drops based on what traits can be passed from this breeding. There is no person pulling any switches or deciding who gets what.

Linked Traits

Another big myth is that traits are linked together and can only breed together. This is NOT true at all. As far as we know there is only one set of traits that are always linked together but that is also one sided. The reins MUST have a bridle attached, but that makes sense. Let’s take a look at some reins:

You can see in the image that the reins have to attach to the bridle so if you get reins on your horse you will always get a bridle with it.

But wait, like we stated this is one sided, meaning that if you get a bridle you are not required to get reins with it as the bridle can pass independently of the reins. So just because you receive a bridle, it doesn’t mean reins will be attached, this is not a bug!

A good place to start to clear up myths are the wikis, they are a valuable resource and one that every breeder should have bookmarked for reference, they do answer all the basic questions out there:

Horse Wiki
K-9 Wiki
Barnyard Bird Wiki (Chickens)
Ponie Pal Wiki
Barnyard Bird Wiki (Ducks)

Also, if you hear something you think is strange you can always ask in any Amaretto Chat, other members, and moderators, as well as Amaretto Staff are there to help you out.

Those are some of the most common myths out there, although there are a lot more as well. Have fun with them but don’t take them seriously.

Have a great Sunday!!


P.S. Thanks to Sprinkles Monday for the use of his horses for the above image, I’m sure he loved me asking him to pull them all out and position them just right for me. 🙂


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