My Own Trait

On July 12, 2019, Amaretto held the Amaretto Country Fair; and unveiled the fifth horse in the line of Seven Heavenly Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins Horses. The OOAKS were the stars of the auction. But there was more. Amaretto also offered an opportunity to any breeder present there to bid for “design your custom trait” both for horses, k-9s, and birds. There is where my adventure begins, and I want to share this unique experience with all of you.

My first try was bidding to design a horse coat. Soon the price escalated, and it became a ferocious duel reaching my budget limit. Then it started a magical moment I couldn’t believe. Fellow breeders messaging me and offering their help so I could keep the fight! I’ll never forget any of those dear friends. Still, I lost it, so now my batteries turned to the wing auction. I had to challenge the very same adversary, but now with smaller firepower. So, I became the owner of my future exclusive creator’s designer wing.

Then Ava contacted me to start the creative conception of the wing, and the first surprise, I could choose the eagle wing design, released at the same Country Fair. In other words, it would be the first eagle wing not coming from an OOAK in the horses’ market! Ava intermediated a few interviews between Amamretto’s designers and me till we finally came to an optimal result.

Ava also explained a new horse trait must have a starter coat and a set of starter eyes, and I could pick any I wanted. The second surprise was the Heart Element eye was a starter eye set, so my stud could come with two heat traits!
I received my original horse in a few days, a seven-year-old stud. It was the “All you need is love” wing, and most of you breeders know the rest of my story.


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