Hello Everyone!!!!

Today is the 4th day the Barnyard Birds have been released!!! I hope that everyone has went out and was able to pick up a pack of these wonderful new additions to the Amaretto Breedables Family..  On May 4th the Amaretto Barnyard Birds hit the grid with many people rushing to the store these little guys have clearly made there way across the grid.

Today at age 4 the Barnyard Birds went from there baby colors to there wonderful Adolescent Colors.. Now many of you have been trying to find out why the Barnyard Birds did this. At age 0 to 3 the barnyard birds will be one of 3 baby colors then at age 4 they turn into there Wonderful Adolescent Colors and then at age 7 you will see the full beauty of your Barnyard Birds.. I really hope that each and everyone of you enjoy these wonderful Animals as much as the Amaretto Staff Enjoys them.

Bellow is a pic of the birds at age 4 I do Hope that you all enjoy 🙂


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