The Horse HUD and how to get it!

Hello everyone today i would like to cover a quick topic on what the horse HUD is and how to get it from your horses!

First off the horse HUD is a new feature for 3.5 + horses that has many nifty functions.

The first of which is it has a built in G.P.S. for your horses simply click on the G.P.S. button to bring up its menu and to use the G.P.S.

The next nifty function of the horse HUD is the Animations menu, now you can change your animations or adjust them without having to click on the horse!

And probably the most popular feature of the HUD is that it controls the Racing aspect of the horses in the racing menu you have the options to begin training your horse ( depending on whether or not the horse has the ability for racing ) Stats which will show the class progression of your horse, Racing which naturally will put the horse into racing mode, and Racing Animation which will allow you to change the racing animation for the horse.

To get the HUD is really simple just click on one of your 3.5 + horses and go to help then click on get HUD it will send you a HUD to wear and use with your horses!

Below is a picture of the hud.




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