Amaretto’s Museum Updated!

Hey guys happy Monday! I hope that you all survived ! Well lots going on at Amaretto! We have had a lot of events going on so I hope all of you have been checking your calendars. Also have you seen those Shetland Show Horses? I mean how cute!!!!!

I wanted to take a few moments to talk about the Amaretto Museum!

I have completed the Barnyard Birds portion of the museum! So please stop by !

Every animal that Amaretto has released can be seen in world at this location! Please remember that as new stuff comes out the museum is a work in progress!

If you do visit please notice that you can click on any of the information plaques and it will take you to the appropriate wiki page so you can find out more details about that breed or coat!

Also just a simple reminder while you are here at ARU there are new classes available so check out the schedule that is in the courtyard! There is also a suggestions mail box located there as well so you can make suggestions for classes!

Well until next time please stop by the ARU sim and visit the museum!

Happy breeding everyone !


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