Quick and Easy Guide

Here are some things you need to do when servers are slow, down, or sl acts up.

1. If you do not get stats on your bundle, leave it alone as the server may be slow and it will fix itself. Do not take it or the mother horse into your inventory.

2. If you are birthing a bundle when the server issues start , leave it alone and give it plenty of time for the server to catch up.

3. Usually a bundle that says Mother Had Second Bundle in 3 days , it means there is another viable bundle for the horse. Do not think you have twins as horses can no longer have multiple births. If you dont have a viable bundle, file a ticket and include mothers UUID number, but give it time first.

4. If you can not pick up your horse or bundle follow these steps.

1. Try a sim restart…
If this does not work….
2. right click the horse/bundle.
3. select “wear” from the pie menu.
4. After the horse/bundle is attached, detach the horse from your inventory.
5. If it does not detach, right click it and it should detach.
This should solve the issue.

5. If you have a duplicate horse, check your other horses to see if you have another copy on your land. If you have purchased the horse recently,when you file your ticket include transaction history.

6.If you have missing horses, include atleast the horses name, and UUID number if you have it. Missing/Lost horses are remade with basic stats because the entire uuid is not available since the horse is missing. That means it will be returned at 0 fervor.If you lose a pregnant horse we can not recreate its pregnancy.

Remember if you can’t get stats on bundles, or problems occur while birthing, that is probably server and/or sl issues going on. PLEASE BE PATIENT : )


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