Hey Everyone!!!!

Today I bring you all some very exciting news!!!! We all know that very soon the new LE Horses will be dropping their bundles!!!! YAY!  Well I have a surprise for you 🙂 but first… I know everyone is thinking, “Yes I cannot wait for that bundle to drop” in hopes that you get your favorite horse and it has wings right? Well I hope you all are really enjoying them and I hope you get your favorite wing on your favorite horse 🙂

But wait that is not why I am here is it 🙂 Yes I know you want me to get to the point but I like keeping you all in suspense…. Ready to know what it is?


lol ok ok

So in the post when they first came out we told you that their eye will NOT pass but seeing how so many people in the community love their eye we here at Amaretto have decided to let it pass and you all can get it on your favorite horse now with your favorite wing 🙂 That is right the eye can pass.

Hope you all enjoy the offspring’s 🙂

Until next Tuesday this is Richie happy breeding everyone!!!!


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