The November Birthstone flower eye!

Hello everyone today I would like to tell you about this month’s Birthstone flower eye the Chrysanthemum Topaz!!! Its such a beautiful eye I must say ( Topaz is one of my personal favorite gems ). Now all of you are wondering what must be done to get one of these eyes huh huh? Well there’s no tithing to the amaretto gods or giving your first born horse to them as a tribute ( honestly don’t 😛 ). All you have to do is…. Nothing! They are randomly dropped onto the grid in bundles that are dropped from November 1 to November 30. Now as with all other birthstone eyes the horses must be version 3.5 and above to get a chance at one. So with that said good luck to everyone and Happy Breeding!!

P.S. I’m not that mean so here is a picture of the eye 😛


Looks pretty awesome doesn’t it!


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