First, with all the server issues we have been having, most of you have noticed that it is taking longer to respond to your tickets. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
With the last group of bundles, a message Please delete bundle has been happening. In a lot of cases the mother horse will have another one. If you have filed a ticket on these bundles and the horse finally has one please go in and update your ticket so that we will not remake and duplicate your good bundle causing another ticket.
If for any reason a mother horse already had a bundle in the past 3 days, this prevents it from occuring. If the mother horse had a good bundle, you can delete the MOTHER HAD SECOND without filing a ticket. Only file a ticket if mother did not have a viable.
When you buy a bundle from another person always check stats and see if bundle has parents. If the bundle does not show parents it is bad. If you buy one, even with transaction history, we will not be responsible for replacing it.
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