Twist and Shout!

The Buckstangs are here! Starting from January 5th 2014 until February 5th 2014 you can breed any color of Mustang and any color of Buckskin together and you have the chance of discovering a brand new coat designed especially for the Twist called Buckstang!


The coats and the eye of the Buckstang can pass.There are 6 different Buckstang coats, Creme, Gold, Tan, Brown, Red, and Black, and the eye is called Lucky. Below is a picture of the 6 Buckstangs and the eye.




Event Reminders:


January 16th- Answers with Ava 4:00 pm (slt)


January 17th- AMOC Meeting 11:00 am and 3:00 pm (slt)


January 23rd- ARU Frat Party 3:00 pm (slt)


January 25th- AMOC Race 3:00 pm (slt)


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