I use my G.P.S. do you?

Hello? Anyone out there? Oh! There you are! Hope your having a lazy Sunday! I wanted to take a few moments to talk to you guys about something I use everyday on my Amaretto Breedables!

The Global Pony Settings Barrel aka G.P.S
The Amaretto G.P.S. (Global Pony Settings) is a tool that will change the settings on all your Horses on one sim all at one time!!

So you don’t want to have animations on? The horse sounds driving you nuts? Well you can use the G.P.S to change all of the following setting on all horses on a sim in just a few clicks!!!


I know when i am birthing bundles, or moving horses I use the G.P.S.  to reset homes and turn off movement. Or even when setting up my horses at a market using the G.P.S. ensures my sounds and movement is off on every horse I rez out without me clicking all of them.

The G.P.S. is even built right into the Horse Hud! You can just wear the hud and use the G.P.S. just like you would if you had the barrel rezzed out on your land.


We also have the following for the K-9s Global Pup Settings Hydrant
This works the same way as the Global Pony Settings Barrel does!
Follow these simple instructions to use your G.P.S.

1. Click the G.P.S. Hydrant Updater.
2. Pick your Settings one at a time.
3. Hit Activate

You fill see the text flash on all K-9s on the sim so you will know all the settings have been changed on every k-9 on the sim.

Last but not least the Amaretto Barnyard Birds have the Global Peck’n Sort. This G.P.S. works the same as the other 2.
So the day of clicking tens or hundreds of Horses, K-9s, or Barnyard Birds is gone.

I hope that you guys are utilizing these tools to manage your breedables because I know that it saves a lot of time for me.
If you want to learn more about any of the G.P.S. features or how it works please attend the classes on the G.P.S.  at ARU!

Remember you can pick up all 3 G.P.S.’s at all amaretto locations!


This is Ava over and out Happy Breeding everyone!!


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