Twisted Out!

Hello everyone its another exciting day here at Amaretto Ranch Breedables!
I hope you are having a great day!

Today I wanted to take a few moments to show off the new twist animals that came out this month!!

Presenting to you the Chimdale!


From March 5th 2014 until April 5th 2014 you can breed any color of Chimera Brindle and any color of Clydesdale together and you have the chance of getting a Chimdale!
Remember that the coat on the Chimdale does have the ability to pass!
Look at this Mardi Gras Eye which also has the ability to pass!!

Not leaving my K-9 lovers out……….
Presenting to you the Bane!!

Our K9s want to twist too so from March 5th 2014 until April 5th 2014 If you breed any color Boxer with any color Dane you have the chance at getting one of these awesome Banes!
The coat, eye, and collar on these K-9s have the ability to pass!

You can check out both of these twist animals more closely on the wiki:

These are some cute Chimdales and I love these Banes!!

Well this is Ava over and out! Happy Breeding everyone!


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