Amaretto Boomtown

Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope you all are having a good breeding day!!

Today I wanted to take a stroll around Boomtown and let all you know what Amaretto has to offer for a fun time!!

We have Club Amaretto where we have some of Amaretto Events.

As I stroll down the nice sidewalk to the AMOC Meeting place. AMOC has a meeting every month the last Saturday @ 11 AM SLT and 3 PM SLT.

Moving along the sidewalk I see the Boomtown Game room this is where Amaretto CSR’s have their Question and Answers sometime. This is also a place where you can go any time while waiting on that bundle to drop and play some games.

As I stroll on around the nice park Amaretto has I come to the place where Ava holds her Answers with Ava event sometimes.

You may not know it but Amaretto also has a great race track up in the sky at Boomtown where you can go and ride or train your horses anytime you wish. Be sure to go up and check it out!

Last but not least I run into Amaretto Fishing Pier this is where Amaretto holds their Fishing Events.

So this is my stroll around Boomtown, come and visit Boomtown any time you like it is open to the public.

Until next time, Happy Breeding!

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