Spotlight on Appreciation

Happy Thursday Everyone!  This week I want to shine the spotlight on Appreciation, Appreciation eyes that is.  Starting March 1, 2014 Amaretto added a new line of eyes that are randomly dropped into bundles at the time the bundle drops, these are the Appreciation eyes.  You can see a list of all the Appreciation eyes that have dropped each month for the horses by going to this link on the wiki:


Also on March 1, 2014 the Appreciation eyes also started dropping randomly each month into the K-9 kennels.  So each month you have a chance at either your horse or K-9 having one of these awesome Appreciation eyes.  You can see a list of all the Appreciation eyes that have dropped each month for the K-9s by going to this link on the wiki:


On October 1, 2014 the new Appreciation eye for the month of October started dropping and it is the Artist Appreciation eye.  This is a beautiful eye that you still have the chance of getting randomly in any of your bundles and kennels during the month of October.

Since it is the month to show Appreciation for Artist’s I would like to show all the love possible to Chronic Stoneage and Nashville Cortes the amazing Amaretto Design Team.  With their brilliant creativity the Amaretto horses, K-9’s and Birds are truly some of the most beautiful breedables in Secondlife and for this we are eternally grateful for Chronic and Nash!  You both ROCK!

Good luck getting the Appreciation eyes each month and remember they do drop randomly so you never know when you just might find one under your breedable!

Until next time Happy Breeding!


Artist Appreciation

Artist Appreciation



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