Spotlight on Appreciation

Happy Thursday Everyone!  Hope you are all having a great week!  Since it’s the Holiday Season, the perfect time to show your appreciation I thought this would be a good time to shine the spotlight on the new Appreciation eye for December.  I’ve been seeing them posted in group the last couple of days and I’m happy to say that everyone seems pretty happy with the new addition this month.

The Cosmetology Appreciation eye in the Horses and K-9s’s is just the latest in the line of Appreciation eyes that come out new each month.  These are dropped into your bundles and kennels at random so you never know when you might the lucky one to find a bit of appreciation under your horse or K-9.

You can see all the Appreciation eyes that have been released so far by going to this link on the wiki:


Until next time, Happy Breeding!


cosmetology appreciation horse cosmetology appreciation k9


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