Happy Tuesday Amaretto Community!! It’s that time again to use my Customer Connection day to introduce you to each of the Amaretto Satellite Store locations! So today I am going to put my weekly focus on Soaring Eagle Farm. Soaring Eagle Farm is an outstanding breedable market. It has an Amaretto Ranch Breedable Horse store for all your horse needs. I have included a list of the market owner and manager below:

Alison Beamish- Market Owner

LUC (lucinda.chiantelle)- Market Manager

The staff at Soaring Eagle are there to make sure all your breedable questions and needs are answered! This market is your one stop shop for all things Amaretto Breedable Horses. This market offers auctions, drop auctions, direct sales pens and shops, bid boards, and much much more! So use this link http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SOARING%20EAGLE/222/157/21 and come on down to Soaring Eagle Farm to see all they have to offer!!

Amaretto Ranch Breedables Store

Snapshot_001Designated Bundle Area


Soaring Eagle Auction Area





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