Who’s ya daddy?

Who’s ya Daddy?

This week I’m going to briefly talk about the importance of keeping track of parents of bundles/kennels. I’ve done a number of tickets this week where sadly I was unable to return broken bundles/kennels. So its a good topic to touch on…

Sometimes perhaps you might see in the description line of the bundle/kennel something like this:

:Bundle key nonexistent in database111125:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:197.39.22:0:0:0:0:V1.0:0:0

So you log on to the support site and file a ticket to have us fix the issue. One of the first things an Amaretto staff person is going to ask is:

Hello can you please provide the parental information for the Horse(s)/Bundle(s) such as UUID or name?

This is because through one or both of the parents we can find the necessary information in order to fix the issue and send back the bundle/kennel in question.

Its important that as soon as you see there is a problem with a bundle/kennel that you take down the parent information. This way you have it on hand when you’re asked for it. It will avoid the “I’m sorry I’m unable to further assist you”.

If your not the owner of the parents then you can always ask the person that sold you the bundle/kennel for the parent information.

Two things I’d like to STRESS big time is

1) Always name your breedables as this helps us track down some information if your unable to provide a UUID

and lastly

2) I can’t stress enough how important it is to know “Who’s ya Daddy” on your bundles/kennels.


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