Interview with an Amaretto Breeder

Happy Friday Everyone!!! Hope everyone is having a good breeding day!

This week I had the pleasure to interview Lucky Bekkers as many of you know she is always in the group helping out and posting her Amaretto Breedables 🙂
So when you see her in the groups give her a big hello!

Please tell the community a little about yourself. Where you are from and what brought you to Second Life?
I live in Germany and long time ago (more as 8 years) I saw a report about Second Life on television. I was immediately fascinated from the possibilities to create our own world and so I logged in.

Which Amaretto Breedables do you own?
Now just only the Amaretto Horses, but I tried also Amaretto K-9s and Amaretto Barnyard Birds too.

How did you get started in breedables?
I started with Sion Chickens, because some friends told me about them. Later I breed Ozimals bunnies. And I’m an Amaretto breeder right from the start:)

Do you own other breedables besides Amaretto?
Not any longer. But I tried some other breedables.

What special projects are you working on right now with your Amaretto Horses?
I work since 3 years ago, on my private project: I breed and collect all yellow/black, or black/yellow colored horses. The reason is, that my favorite soccer team Borussia Dortmund, wear this colors. LoI, I know I’m a little bit crazy, but it’s only just for fun:)
As a second project I breed White Walker with double Lucky traits (and in addition other white traits)

What is your favorite Amaretto Breedable?
The Amaretto horses will always be my favorite.

What are some other things that you enjoy doing in Second Life when you’re not taking care of your breedables?
I spend my time to talk with my friends and I love it to go shopping clothes or plants and decorations for my private land.

Thank you Lucky for letting me interview you this week 🙂

Until next week Happy Breeding!!

Lucky Beckers1




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