Interview with an Amaretto Breeder

Happy Friday Everyone !!! Hope everyone is having a good breeding day !

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing BettyBoop Rhode, she is in the group so if you see her send her a big hello . Thank you BettyBoop for letting me interview you this week !

Please tell the community a little about yourself. Where you are from and what brought you to Second Life?
Hi my rl name is Betty and i’m from Florida,USA. It was friends from another chat site that brought me to SL and i’ve been here just over 8 yrs.

Which Amaretto Breedables do you own?
I have horses and K-9’s.

How did you get started in breedables?
My friend Bones brought a few to sell at a store/business we owned together. I saw this little pony i fell in love with. I still have her and she’s just over 5 and a half years old.

*Do you own other breedables besides Amaretto?
No, not at this time. I prefer Amaretto’s.

*What special projects are you working on right now with your Amaretto Horses?
I am working on Safari Havens and any and all Crazed. I am hooked on them.

What special projects are you working on right now with your Amaretto K-9s ?
I am breeding Miniature Schnauzer’s in hopes of getting a Crazed one.

What is your favorite Amaretto Breedable ?
Gotta be the horses after all these years.

What are some other things that you enjoy doing in Second Life when you’re not taking care of your breedables?
I like doing hunts and hanging out with friends.

I am including some pictures of Bettys favorite Amaretto Breedables.

Until next week Happy Breeding !!!





BettyBoops Unicorn3


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