Interviews with an Auctioneer!

Today I had the pleasure of interviewing CRITTERQUEEN Resident! I asked several questions, and here are her awesome replies!

Q..When did you first start being an auctioneer?

A. CRITTERQUEEN Resident oh when ummm…. 4.5 years ago I guess.with Bee Tearfall @ Tearfall Auctions and Dallas with Dezi Sorbet

Q.What made you decide to be an auctioneer?

A. CRITTERQUEEN Resident I needed to find some way to make money in SL. I saw my first amaretto horse 3 months after I started SL in somebodies back yard. I went to a club and entered a contest and won an amaretto bundle! I didnt know what to do with it, and the DJ helped me find a small barn to rent and where to buy food and salt.

Q.When you first started auctioneering , what breedable were you auctioning for?

A.CRITTERQUEEN Resident: amaretto horses of course!

Q.What do you feel is the most difficult thing for you, being an Auctioneer?

A.CRITTERQUEEN Resident: Pronouncing those new names you came up with for the coats, eyes and wings OMG! And getting buyers to buy of course.

Q. What is your favorite type of auction to call?

A.CRITTERQUEEN Resident: Well I can call drop auctions for at least 3 hours straight if people rez them out on panels and we just keep going around in circles till we run out of stuff to sell. I really enjoy the ones where I can let people sell ANY kind of thing as long as its transferable. Different breedables, builds, clothing, furniture almost anything. Now that makes a fun auction and I get to learn how to call different breedables as well. Everyone learns.

Q. What do you feel makes a good auctioneer?

A.CRITTERQUEEN Resident: You have to know exactly what you are talking about. You CANNOT make up stuff about what can and can’t pass and where a certain trait or eye comes from. If you don’t know then don’t guess! You have to have a very clear and loud voice. Don’t smoke, cough, sneeze, or belch on mic because you can hurt other peoples ears and it sounds just plain gross. Know your market or any breedalbe your calling and always do you best to pretend that if the pet is yours you would do you best to try and get it sold.

Q. What is the funniest thing that has ever happen to you when calling an auction?

A. CRITTERQUEEN Resident: 1. losing my hair, or articles of clothing. 2. Crashing in the middle of an auction. 3. Having people snatch up their horses before you are even done calling them. 4. Everybody wearing an item that makes you dance when you say “on” in local. Then saying on when we get a sale and making everyone dance.

You can tell CRITTERQUEEN really enjoys being an auctioneer!

If you are an Auctioneer and would like to be interviewed, just send a notecard titled Interview of a Auctioneer with your sl name on it to Maleficent Farshore!

Until next week happy breeding , and go check out the auctions for some great deals and fun!


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