Got Suggestions!? We Want To Hear Them!

Happy Happy Monday Amaretto Community! Have you ever been sitting there and an awesome idea or suggestion for Amaretto popped in your head? Well today I want to take a minute to tell you all about the ways we have for sending a suggestion in to Amaretto! Take a look below for all the details…

Amaretto Suggestion Boxes:


The suggestion  boxes are available at all Amaretto Ranch Breedable store locations! The suggestion box is checked on a daily basis. All suggestions are reviewed by the owners and management. We value your suggestions and comments and although all of you suggestions are seen, they may not all be used.

To submit a suggestion using the suggestion boxes:

Create a new notecard

Title the notecard as follows… Suggestion from (SL name)

Put your suggestion in the notecard and save it

Drag and drop the notecard in to the suggestion mail box


File a Suggestion Ticket:


Another great way to get a suggestion over to Amaretto is to file a suggestion ticket. Just like a suggestion submitted through the suggestion boxes in world, all suggestions are reviewed by the owners and management. Again, we do value your suggestions and comments and although all of you suggestions are seen, they may not all be used.

To submit a suggestion using the support system:

Log in to the Amaretto support website

Once logged in you will select Submit A Ticket

Then you will select the Suggestions/Questions Department and select the Next button

You will then put your suggestion in the Message details area of the ticket and click the Submit Button at the bottom when you are done


Don’t let your ideas or suggestions go unheard!! We at Amaretto love hearing from you! And… just so you know…. a lot of the designs and traits you see have come from suggestions from our community members!!! So… get those suggestions in!!

Until next time……



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