Hello Everyone Today I am bringing news of a new group for Amaretto

~Ava’s Amaretto Answers Group~

This group is for information only and is on invite only. This means you do have to message one of the members of staff in order to get invited to the group. If an Officer of the group does not respond please send a notecard to Avalon Crystal titled “Add me to the Group” and be sure to include your FULL SL name in the contents. The following is the group charter:


This group is by invite only and is only meant for informative purposes. That means no social chat, posting stats. As owner of this group I will exercise the right to eject anyone who advertises or uses this group for anything besides informative purposes. If you know someone who would like to be a part of this group please im one of the officers 🙂 Lets all have fun and learn from each other! Happy Breeding!!

Breaking rules in this chat will get you kicked out of it so PLEASE follow all rules the charter states. This group has been made because there are some members who would like to see a group for information purposes only. Please do not abuse this or any other group of Amaretto. Sales ads, free give-aways, arguing and constant complaining will get you ejected from groups. We are monitoring all groups remember this please.

We will still have the main group Amaretto Ranch Breedables which will keep you informed of all the important stuff when it happens.  This new group is for QUESTIONS ONLY.  So lets keep the conversation and chatter in there to a minimum please.  We hope this addition group will help ease some of the frustration of trying to get a question answered and not being able to fight your way through the lag in the main group to do so.

We hope you all are enjoying seeing suggestions from the community coming to life.  Remember we do like to hear them from you so if you have any suggestions for future topics I can write on here on the Customer Connection please send me a notecard and maybe next week you will see your topic blogged on!



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